对于kernel来说,进程、线程是不分家的,多线程或者多进程都会共享资源,但是由于需要确保每个应用在user space中都相对独立、相对安全,彼此不能轻易地操作彼此的数据,就急需做分离。所以进程和线程在user space其实是不同的。进程拥有独立的内存。多个进程中某个进程发生crash并不会影响其他的进程运行,借由进程的这个特性,对于需要放在后台工作的任务来说,进程是个非常好的选择,即使由于内存吃紧被回收,代码发生crash挂了,也都不影响前台UI进程。
  对于android framework来说,一个app中可以有多个进程,面向用户的前台UI进程存活率指定是比其他后台进程更高。android framework采用了多进程管理多个app,应用层存在大量的承载着app的虚拟机,一个虚拟机跑在一个进程中。

  • 进程回收:通过oom_adj值和进程占用的内存大小两个值共同决定回收哪些进程
  • 进程并发调度:通过nice值标记进程调度优先级



Process state

linux process state

-   R  running or runnable (on run queue)
-   D  uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
-   S  interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
-   Z  defunct/zombie, terminated but not reaped by its parent
-   T  stopped, either by a job control signal or because it is being traced

android process state

    // Map from process states to the states we track.
    private static final int[] PROCESS_STATE_TO_STATE = new int[] {
        STATE_PERSISTENT,               // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_PERSISTENT
        STATE_PERSISTENT,               // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_PERSISTENT_UI
        STATE_TOP,                      // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP
        STATE_BACKUP,                   // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_BACKUP
        STATE_SERVICE,                  // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_SERVICE
        STATE_RECEIVER,                 // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER
        STATE_TOP,                      // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_TOP_SLEEPING
        STATE_HEAVY_WEIGHT,             // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HEAVY_WEIGHT
        STATE_HOME,                     // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HOME
        STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY,            // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_LAST_ACTIVITY
        STATE_CACHED_EMPTY,             // ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY

  相对于linux的process state,android process state更加细化。

Process types

linux process types

- 交互进程:由shell启动的进程,通过终端控制台(tty)控制。终端控制台关闭,进程也就被关闭了。
- 批处理进程
- daemon process:脱离于tty运行的进程。

android process types

It is important that application developers understand how different application components (in particular Activity, Service, and BroadcastReceiver) impact the lifetime of the application’s process. Not using these components correctly can result in the system killing the application’s process while it is doing important work


  1. foreground process
    • running Activity at the top of the screen that the use is interacting with(its onResume() method has been called)
    • running BroadcastReceiver(its onReceive() method is executing)
    • Service is currently executing code in one of its callback(onCreate(),onStart(),onDestroy())
  2. visible process
    • running Activity is visible to the user on-screen but not in the foreground(its onPause() method has been called)
    • Service is running as a foreground service,through startForeground() method
    • It is hosting a service that the system is using for a particular feature that the user is aware, such as a live wallpaper, input method service, etc.
  3. service process
    it is one holding a Service that has been started with the startService() method。
    Services that have been running for a long time (such as 30 minutes or more) may be demoted in importance to allow their process to drop to the cached LRU list described next.

  4. cached process
    These processes often hold one or more Activity instances that are not currently visible to the user (the onStop() method has been called and returned)

Process priority

linux priority


android priority

     * Standard priority of application threads.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT = 0;

     * ***************************************
     * ** Keep in sync with utils/threads.h **
     * ***************************************
     * Lowest available thread priority.  Only for those who really, really
     * don't want to run if anything else is happening.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST = 19;
     * Standard priority background threads.  This gives your thread a slightly
     * lower than normal priority, so that it will have less chance of impacting
     * the responsiveness of the user interface.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND = 10;
     * Standard priority of threads that are currently running a user interface
     * that the user is interacting with.  Applications can not normally
     * change to this priority; the system will automatically adjust your
     * application threads as the user moves through the UI.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_FOREGROUND = -2;
     * Standard priority of system display threads, involved in updating
     * the user interface.  Applications can not
     * normally change to this priority.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_DISPLAY = -4;
     * Standard priority of the most important display threads, for compositing
     * the screen and retrieving input events.  Applications can not normally
     * change to this priority.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY = -8;

     * Standard priority of video threads.  Applications can not normally
     * change to this priority.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_VIDEO = -10;

     * Standard priority of audio threads.  Applications can not normally
     * change to this priority.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_AUDIO = -16;

     * Standard priority of the most important audio threads.
     * Applications can not normally change to this priority.
     * Use with {@link #setThreadPriority(int)} and
     * {@link #setThreadPriority(int, int)}, <b>not</b> with the normal
     * {@link java.lang.Thread} class.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO = -19;

     * Minimum increment to make a priority more favorable.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_MORE_FAVORABLE = -1;

     * Minimum increment to make a priority less favorable.
    public static final int THREAD_PRIORITY_LESS_FAVORABLE = +1;

android 的priority值,并没有做什么变动,还是和linux的保持一致。

Process policy

linux policy

- SCHED_FIFO:First in-first out scheduling
- SCHED_RR:Round-robin scheduling
- SCHED_DEADLINE:Sporadic task model deadline scheduling
- SCHED_OTHER:Default Linux time-sharing scheduling
- SCHED_BATCH:Scheduling batch processes
- SCHED_IDLE:Scheduling very low priority jobs

android policy

     * Default scheduling policy
     * @hide
    public static final int SCHED_OTHER = 0;

     * First-In First-Out scheduling policy
     * @hide
    public static final int SCHED_FIFO = 1;

     * Round-Robin scheduling policy
     * @hide
    public static final int SCHED_RR = 2;

     * Batch scheduling policy
     * @hide
    public static final int SCHED_BATCH = 3;

     * Idle scheduling policy
     * @hide
    public static final int SCHED_IDLE = 5;

     * Reset scheduler choice on fork.
     * @hide
     public static final int SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK = 0x40000000;

Process group

linux group

android group

     * Default thread group -
     * has meaning with setProcessGroup() only, cannot be used with setThreadGroup().
     * When used with setProcessGroup(), the group of each thread in the process
     * is conditionally changed based on that thread's current priority, as follows:
     * threads with priority numerically less than THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND
     * are moved to foreground thread group.  All other threads are left unchanged.
     * @hide
    public static final int THREAD_GROUP_DEFAULT = -1;

     * Background thread group - All threads in
     * this group are scheduled with a reduced share of the CPU.
     * Value is same as constant SP_BACKGROUND of enum SchedPolicy.
     * @hide
    public static final int THREAD_GROUP_BG_NONINTERACTIVE = 0;

     * Foreground thread group - All threads in
     * this group are scheduled with a normal share of the CPU.
     * Value is same as constant SP_FOREGROUND of enum SchedPolicy.
     * Not used at this level.
     * @hide
    private static final int THREAD_GROUP_FOREGROUND = 1;

     * System thread group.
     * @hide
    public static final int THREAD_GROUP_SYSTEM = 2;

     * Application audio thread group.
     * @hide
    public static final int THREAD_GROUP_AUDIO_APP = 3;

     * System audio thread group.
     * @hide
    public static final int THREAD_GROUP_AUDIO_SYS = 4;

     * Thread group for top foreground app.
     * @hide
    public static final int THREAD_GROUP_TOP_APP = 5;

     * Thread group for RT app.
     * @hide
    public static final int THREAD_GROUP_RT_APP = 6;

     * Thread group for bound foreground services that should
     * have additional CPU restrictions during screen off
     * @hide
    public static final int THREAD_GROUP_RESTRICTED = 7;

Process siganl

linux siganl

       SIGHUP        1       Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal
                                     or death of controlling process
       SIGINT        2       Term    Interrupt from keyboard
       SIGQUIT       3       Core    Quit from keyboard
       SIGILL        4       Core    Illegal Instruction
       SIGABRT       6       Core    Abort signal from abort(3)
       SIGFPE        8       Core    Floating-point exception
       SIGKILL       9       Term    Kill signal
       SIGSEGV      11       Core    Invalid memory reference
       SIGPIPE      13       Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no
                                     readers; see pipe(7)
       SIGALRM      14       Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)
       SIGTERM      15       Term    Termination signal
       SIGUSR1   30,10,16    Term    User-defined signal 1
       SIGUSR2   31,12,17    Term    User-defined signal 2
       SIGCHLD   20,17,18    Ign     Child stopped or terminated
       SIGCONT   19,18,25    Cont    Continue if stopped
       SIGSTOP   17,19,23    Stop    Stop process
       SIGTSTP   18,20,24    Stop    Stop typed at terminal
       SIGTTIN   21,21,26    Stop    Terminal input for background process
       SIGTTOU   22,22,27    Stop    Terminal output for background process

android siganl

    public static final int SIGNAL_QUIT = 3;
    public static final int SIGNAL_KILL = 9;
    public static final int SIGNAL_USR1 = 10;

  总的来说主要有变化的是process state和process types。



mLruProcesses为进程的cache列表,越靠近列表的尾部越不会被kill掉,存活下来的希望越大。当插入一个正在使用的进程那么会发生如下变化 :

  • 插入的当前进程会被放置于尾部
  • 与其相关联的进程将会尽可能被推到靠近尾部,提高其level,免于被kill



final void updateLruProcessLocked(ProcessRecord app, boolean activityChange,
            ProcessRecord client) {
        final boolean hasActivity = app.activities.size() > 0 || app.hasClientActivities
                || app.treatLikeActivity || app.recentTasks.size() > 0;
        final boolean hasService = false; // not impl yet. app.services.size() > 0;
        if (!activityChange && hasActivity) {
            // The process has activities, so we are only allowing activity-based adjustments
            // to move it.  It should be kept in the front of the list with other
            // processes that have activities, and we don't want those to change their
            // order except due to activity operations.

        final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        app.lastActivityTime = now;
        int lrui = mLruProcesses.lastIndexOf(app);


        if (lrui >= 0) {
            if (lrui < mLruProcessActivityStart) {
            if (lrui < mLruProcessServiceStart) {

        int nextIndex;
        if (hasActivity) {
            final int N = mLruProcesses.size();
            if ((app.activities.size() == 0 || app.recentTasks.size() > 0)
                    && mLruProcessActivityStart < (N - 1)) {
                // Process doesn't have activities, but has clients with
                // activities...  move it up, but one below the top (the top
                // should always have a real activity).
                if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU,
                        "Adding to second-top of LRU activity list: " + app);
                mLruProcesses.add(N - 1, app);
                // To keep it from spamming the LRU list (by making a bunch of clients),
                // we will push down any other entries owned by the app.
                final int uid = app.info.uid;
                for (int i = N - 2; i > mLruProcessActivityStart; i--) {
                    ProcessRecord subProc = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                    if (subProc.info.uid == uid) {
                        // We want to push this one down the list.  If the process after
                        // it is for the same uid, however, don't do so, because we don't
                        // want them internally to be re-ordered.
                        if (mLruProcesses.get(i - 1).info.uid != uid) {
                            if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU,
                                    "Pushing uid " + uid + " swapping at " + i + ": "
                                    + mLruProcesses.get(i) + " : " + mLruProcesses.get(i - 1));
                            ProcessRecord tmp = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                            mLruProcesses.set(i, mLruProcesses.get(i - 1));
                            mLruProcesses.set(i - 1, tmp);
                    } else {
                        // A gap, we can stop here.
            } else {
                // Process has activities, put it at the very tipsy-top.
                if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Adding to top of LRU activity list: " + app);
            nextIndex = mLruProcessServiceStart;
        } else if (hasService) {
            // Process has services, put it at the top of the service list.
            if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Adding to top of LRU service list: " + app);
            mLruProcesses.add(mLruProcessActivityStart, app);
            nextIndex = mLruProcessServiceStart;
        } else  {
            // Process not otherwise of interest, it goes to the top of the non-service area.
            int index = mLruProcessServiceStart;
            if (client != null) {
                // If there is a client, don't allow the process to be moved up higher
                // in the list than that client.
                int clientIndex = mLruProcesses.lastIndexOf(client);
                if (DEBUG_LRU && clientIndex < 0) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Unknown client " + client
                        + " when updating " + app);
                if (clientIndex <= lrui) {
                    // Don't allow the client index restriction to push it down farther in the
                    // list than it already is.
                    clientIndex = lrui;
                if (clientIndex >= 0 && index > clientIndex) {
                    index = clientIndex;
            if (DEBUG_LRU) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Adding at " + index + " of LRU list: " + app);
            mLruProcesses.add(index, app);
            nextIndex = index-1;



  1. 该进程只存在Activity组件
  2. 该进程存在Activity组件,存在Service组件进程,其绑定的client进程(bindService)存在Activity组件,flag为公开给开发中使用的值,比如flag=BIND_AUTO_CREATE
  3. 该进程存在Activity组件,存在Service组件进程,其存在Service组件进程被当中Activity看待,flag=BIND_TREAT_LIKE_ACTIVITY为framework私有的
  4. 该进程中没有Activity组件,存在Service组件进程,其绑定的client进程(bindService)存在Activity组件
  5. 该进程中没有Activity组件,存在Service组件进程,flag=BIND_TREAT_LIKE_ACTIVITY时;Service进程被当中Activity看待






        // If the app is currently using a content provider or service,
        // bump those processes as well.
        for (int j=app.connections.size()-1; j>=0; j--) {
            ConnectionRecord cr = app.connections.valueAt(j);
            if (cr.binding != null && !cr.serviceDead && cr.binding.service != null
                    && cr.binding.service.app != null
                    && cr.binding.service.app.lruSeq != mLruSeq
                    && !cr.binding.service.app.persistent) {
                nextIndex = updateLruProcessInternalLocked(cr.binding.service.app, now, nextIndex,
                        "service connection", cr, app);
        for (int j=app.conProviders.size()-1; j>=0; j--) {
            ContentProviderRecord cpr = app.conProviders.get(j).provider;
            if (cpr.proc != null && cpr.proc.lruSeq != mLruSeq && !cpr.proc.persistent) {
                nextIndex = updateLruProcessInternalLocked(cpr.proc, now, nextIndex,
                        "provider reference", cpr, app);

  如果当前进程存在service connection,则帮助绑定的service进程提高在mLruProcessses中的index。
  如果当前进程存在provider reference,则帮助ContentProvider进程提高在mLruProcesses中的index。


adj级别 取值 介绍
INVALID_ADJ -10000  
NATIVE_ADJ -1000 native进程,不受jvm控制
SYSTEM_ADJ -900 system_server进程
PERSISTENT_PROC_ADJ -800 persistent进程,在AndroidManifest申明“android:persistent=true”,即带有FLAG_SYSTEM标记,比如telephony进程
PERSISTENT_SERVICE_ADJ -700 绑定系统进程或者persistent进程的一种进程
FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ 0 foreground进程
VISIBLE_APP_ADJ 100 visible进程
PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ 200 用户可察觉的进程,但却不可见,比如音乐播放后台
BACKUP_APP_ADJ 300 备份进程。执行bindBackupAgent过程的进程
HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ 400 附带重量级应用的进程,运行于后台。在init.rc脚本中启动的,比如zygote.当应用的privateFlags=PRIVATE_FLAG_CANT_SAVE_STATE
SERVICE_ADJ 500 service进程
HOME_APP_ADJ 600 home应用的进程
PREVIOUS_APP_ADJ 700 上一个应用的进程
SERVICE_B_ADJ 800 SERVICE_ADJ的B list(不同于SERVICE_ADJ的A list,是用来标识old和decrepit的services)



        // Reset state in all uid records.
        for (int i=mActiveUids.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
            final UidRecord uidRec = mActiveUids.valueAt(i);
            if (false && DEBUG_UID_OBSERVERS) Slog.i(TAG_UID_OBSERVERS,
                    "Starting update of " + uidRec);


        mNewNumServiceProcs = 0;
        mNewNumAServiceProcs = 0;

        final int emptyProcessLimit = mConstants.CUR_MAX_EMPTY_PROCESSES;
        final int cachedProcessLimit = mConstants.CUR_MAX_CACHED_PROCESSES - emptyProcessLimit;

        // Let's determine how many processes we have running vs.
        // how many slots we have for background processes; we may want
        // to put multiple processes in a slot of there are enough of
        // them.
        int numSlots = (ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ
                - ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ + 1) / 2;
        int numEmptyProcs = N - mNumNonCachedProcs - mNumCachedHiddenProcs;
        if (numEmptyProcs > cachedProcessLimit) {
            // If there are more empty processes than our limit on cached
            // processes, then use the cached process limit for the factor.
            // This ensures that the really old empty processes get pushed
            // down to the bottom, so if we are running low on memory we will
            // have a better chance at keeping around more cached processes
            // instead of a gazillion empty processes.
            numEmptyProcs = cachedProcessLimit;
        int emptyFactor = numEmptyProcs/numSlots;
        if (emptyFactor < 1) emptyFactor = 1;
        int cachedFactor = (mNumCachedHiddenProcs > 0 ? mNumCachedHiddenProcs : 1)/numSlots;
        if (cachedFactor < 1) cachedFactor = 1;
        int stepCached = 0;
        int stepEmpty = 0;
        int numCached = 0;
        int numEmpty = 0;
        int numTrimming = 0;

        mNumNonCachedProcs = 0;
        mNumCachedHiddenProcs = 0;

        // First update the OOM adjustment for each of the
        // application processes based on their current state.
        int curCachedAdj = ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ;
        int nextCachedAdj = curCachedAdj+1;
        int curEmptyAdj = ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ;
        int nextEmptyAdj = curEmptyAdj+2;

        boolean retryCycles = false;

        // need to reset cycle state before calling computeOomAdjLocked because of service connections
        for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
            ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
            app.containsCycle = false;



        for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
            ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
            if (!app.killedByAm && app.thread != null) {
                app.procStateChanged = false;
                computeOomAdjLocked(app, ProcessList.UNKNOWN_ADJ, TOP_APP, true, now);

                // if any app encountered a cycle, we need to perform an additional loop later
                retryCycles |= app.containsCycle;

                // If we haven't yet assigned the final cached adj
                // to the process, do that now.
                if (app.curAdj >= ProcessList.UNKNOWN_ADJ) {
                    switch (app.curProcState) {
                        case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY:
                        case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY_CLIENT:
                        case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_RECENT:
                            // This process is a cached process holding activities...
                            // assign it the next cached value for that type, and then
                            // step that cached level.
                            app.curRawAdj = curCachedAdj;
                            app.curAdj = app.modifyRawOomAdj(curCachedAdj);
                            if (DEBUG_LRU && false) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Assigning activity LRU #" + i
                                    + " adj: " + app.curAdj + " (curCachedAdj=" + curCachedAdj
                                    + ")");
                            if (curCachedAdj != nextCachedAdj) {
                                if (stepCached >= cachedFactor) {
                                    stepCached = 0;
                                    curCachedAdj = nextCachedAdj;
                                    nextCachedAdj += 2;
                                    if (nextCachedAdj > ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ) {
                                        nextCachedAdj = ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ;
                            // For everything else, assign next empty cached process
                            // level and bump that up.  Note that this means that
                            // long-running services that have dropped down to the
                            // cached level will be treated as empty (since their process
                            // state is still as a service), which is what we want.
                            app.curRawAdj = curEmptyAdj;
                            app.curAdj = app.modifyRawOomAdj(curEmptyAdj);
                            if (DEBUG_LRU && false) Slog.d(TAG_LRU, "Assigning empty LRU #" + i
                                    + " adj: " + app.curAdj + " (curEmptyAdj=" + curEmptyAdj
                                    + ")");
                            if (curEmptyAdj != nextEmptyAdj) {
                                if (stepEmpty >= emptyFactor) {
                                    stepEmpty = 0;
                                    curEmptyAdj = nextEmptyAdj;
                                    nextEmptyAdj += 2;
                                    if (nextEmptyAdj > ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ) {
                                        nextEmptyAdj = ProcessList.CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ;


        // Cycle strategy:
        // - Retry computing any process that has encountered a cycle.
        // - Continue retrying until no process was promoted.
        // - Iterate from least important to most important.
        int cycleCount = 0;
        while (retryCycles) {
            retryCycles = false;

            for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
                ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                if (!app.killedByAm && app.thread != null && app.containsCycle == true) {

            for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
                ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                if (!app.killedByAm && app.thread != null && app.containsCycle == true) {
                    if (computeOomAdjLocked(app, ProcessList.UNKNOWN_ADJ, TOP_APP, true, now)) {
                        retryCycles = true;



        for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
            ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
            if (!app.killedByAm && app.thread != null) {
                applyOomAdjLocked(app, true, now, nowElapsed);

                // Count the number of process types.
                switch (app.curProcState) {
                    case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY:
                    case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_ACTIVITY_CLIENT:
                        if (numCached > cachedProcessLimit) {
                            app.kill("cached #" + numCached, true);
                    case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY:
                        if (numEmpty > mConstants.CUR_TRIM_EMPTY_PROCESSES
                                && app.lastActivityTime < oldTime) {
                            app.kill("empty for "
                                    + ((oldTime + ProcessList.MAX_EMPTY_TIME - app.lastActivityTime)
                                    / 1000) + "s", true);
                        } else {
                            if (numEmpty > emptyProcessLimit) {
                                app.kill("empty #" + numEmpty, true);

                if (app.isolated && app.services.size() <= 0 && app.isolatedEntryPoint == null) {
                    // If this is an isolated process, there are no services
                    // running in it, and it's not a special process with a
                    // custom entry point, then the process is no longer
                    // needed.  We agressively kill these because we can by
                    // definition not re-use the same process again, and it is
                    // good to avoid having whatever code was running in them
                    // left sitting around after no longer needed.
                    app.kill("isolated not needed", true);
                } else {
                    // Keeping this process, update its uid.
                    final UidRecord uidRec = app.uidRecord;
                    if (uidRec != null) {
                        uidRec.ephemeral = app.info.isInstantApp();
                        if (uidRec.curProcState > app.curProcState) {
                            uidRec.curProcState = app.curProcState;
                        if (app.foregroundServices) {
                            uidRec.foregroundServices = true;

                if (app.curProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HOME
                        && !app.killedByAm) {

应用oom adj的值,当需要杀掉目标进程则返回false


        final int numCachedAndEmpty = numCached + numEmpty;
        int memFactor;
        if (numCached <= mConstants.CUR_TRIM_CACHED_PROCESSES
                && numEmpty <= mConstants.CUR_TRIM_EMPTY_PROCESSES) {
            if (numCachedAndEmpty <= ProcessList.TRIM_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD) {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL;
            } else if (numCachedAndEmpty <= ProcessList.TRIM_LOW_THRESHOLD) {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW;
            } else {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE;
        } else {
            memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL;
        // We always allow the memory level to go up (better).  We only allow it to go
        // down if we are in a state where that is allowed, *and* the total number of processes
        // has gone down since last time.
        if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.d(TAG_OOM_ADJ, "oom: memFactor=" + memFactor
                + " last=" + mLastMemoryLevel + " allowLow=" + mAllowLowerMemLevel
                + " numProcs=" + mLruProcesses.size() + " last=" + mLastNumProcesses);
        if (memFactor > mLastMemoryLevel) {
            if (!mAllowLowerMemLevel || mLruProcesses.size() >= mLastNumProcesses) {
                memFactor = mLastMemoryLevel;
                if (DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.d(TAG_OOM_ADJ, "Keeping last mem factor!");
        if (memFactor != mLastMemoryLevel) {
            EventLogTags.writeAmMemFactor(memFactor, mLastMemoryLevel);
        mLastMemoryLevel = memFactor;
        mLastNumProcesses = mLruProcesses.size();
        boolean allChanged = mProcessStats.setMemFactorLocked(memFactor, !isSleepingLocked(), now);
        final int trackerMemFactor = mProcessStats.getMemFactorLocked();
        if (memFactor != ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL) {
            if (mLowRamStartTime == 0) {
                mLowRamStartTime = now;
            int step = 0;
            int fgTrimLevel;
            switch (memFactor) {
                case ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL:
                    fgTrimLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL;
                case ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW:
                    fgTrimLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW;
                    fgTrimLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_MODERATE;
            int factor = numTrimming/3;
            int minFactor = 2;
            if (mHomeProcess != null) minFactor++;
            if (mPreviousProcess != null) minFactor++;
            if (factor < minFactor) factor = minFactor;
            int curLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE;
            for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
                ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                if (allChanged || app.procStateChanged) {
                    setProcessTrackerStateLocked(app, trackerMemFactor, now);
                    app.procStateChanged = false;
                if (app.curProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HOME
                        && !app.killedByAm) {
                    if (app.trimMemoryLevel < curLevel && app.thread != null) {
                        try {
                            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                    "Trimming memory of " + app.processName + " to " + curLevel);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        if (false) {
                            // For now we won't do this; our memory trimming seems
                            // to be good enough at this point that destroying
                            // activities causes more harm than good.
                            if (curLevel >= ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE
                                    && app != mHomeProcess && app != mPreviousProcess) {
                                // Need to do this on its own message because the stack may not
                                // be in a consistent state at this point.
                                // For these apps we will also finish their activities
                                // to help them free memory.
                                mStackSupervisor.scheduleDestroyAllActivities(app, "trim");
                    app.trimMemoryLevel = curLevel;
                    if (step >= factor) {
                        step = 0;
                        switch (curLevel) {
                            case ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE:
                                curLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE;
                            case ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE:
                                curLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND;
                } else if (app.curProcState == ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_HEAVY_WEIGHT
                        && !app.killedByAm) {
                    if (app.trimMemoryLevel < ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND
                            && app.thread != null) {
                        try {
                            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                    "Trimming memory of heavy-weight " + app.processName
                                    + " to " + ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    app.trimMemoryLevel = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND;
                } else {
                    if ((app.curProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND
                            || app.systemNoUi) && app.pendingUiClean) {
                        // If this application is now in the background and it
                        // had done UI, then give it the special trim level to
                        // have it free UI resources.
                        final int level = ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN;
                        if (app.trimMemoryLevel < level && app.thread != null) {
                            try {
                                if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                        "Trimming memory of bg-ui " + app.processName
                                        + " to " + level);
                            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        app.pendingUiClean = false;
                    if (app.trimMemoryLevel < fgTrimLevel && app.thread != null) {
                        try {
                            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                    "Trimming memory of fg " + app.processName
                                    + " to " + fgTrimLevel);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    app.trimMemoryLevel = fgTrimLevel;
        } else {
            if (mLowRamStartTime != 0) {
                mLowRamTimeSinceLastIdle += now - mLowRamStartTime;
                mLowRamStartTime = 0;
            for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
                ProcessRecord app = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                if (allChanged || app.procStateChanged) {
                    setProcessTrackerStateLocked(app, trackerMemFactor, now);
                    app.procStateChanged = false;
                if ((app.curProcState >= ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND
                        || app.systemNoUi) && app.pendingUiClean) {
                    if (app.trimMemoryLevel < ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN
                            && app.thread != null) {
                        try {
                            if (DEBUG_SWITCH || DEBUG_OOM_ADJ) Slog.v(TAG_OOM_ADJ,
                                    "Trimming memory of ui hidden " + app.processName
                                    + " to " + ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN);
                        } catch (RemoteException e) {
                    app.pendingUiClean = false;
                app.trimMemoryLevel = 0;

在回调application层的接口之前会计算其level,而level又与memory factory有关。

        int memFactor;
        if (numCached <= mConstants.CUR_TRIM_CACHED_PROCESSES
                && numEmpty <= mConstants.CUR_TRIM_EMPTY_PROCESSES) {
            if (numCachedAndEmpty <= ProcessList.TRIM_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD) {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL;
            } else if (numCachedAndEmpty <= ProcessList.TRIM_LOW_THRESHOLD) {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW;
            } else {
                memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE;
        } else {
            memFactor = ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL;
        if (memFactor > mLastMemoryLevel) {
            if (!mAllowLowerMemLevel || mLruProcesses.size() >= mLastNumProcesses) {
                memFactor = mLastMemoryLevel;


memory 因素 取值 计算条件
ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL 0 Cached>5或者Empty>8
ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE 1 Cached<=5 && Empty<=8
ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW 2 Cached+Empty<=5


     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is nearing the end
     * of the background LRU list, and if more memory isn't found soon it will
     * be killed.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE = 80;
     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is around the middle
     * of the background LRU list; freeing memory can help the system keep
     * other processes running later in the list for better overall performance.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE = 60;
     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process has gone on to the
     * LRU list.  This is a good opportunity to clean up resources that can
     * efficiently and quickly be re-built if the user returns to the app.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND = 40;
     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process had been showing
     * a user interface, and is no longer doing so.  Large allocations with
     * the UI should be released at this point to allow memory to be better
     * managed.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN = 20;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running extremely low on memory
     * and is about to not be able to keep any background processes running.
     * Your running process should free up as many non-critical resources as it
     * can to allow that memory to be used elsewhere.  The next thing that
     * will happen after this is {@link #onLowMemory()} called to report that
     * nothing at all can be kept in the background, a situation that can start
     * to notably impact the user.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL = 15;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running low on memory.
     * Your running process should free up unneeded resources to allow that
     * memory to be used elsewhere.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW = 10;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running moderately low on memory.
     * Your running process may want to release some unneeded resources for
     * use elsewhere.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_MODERATE = 5;

